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Writer's pictureEli Ventura

Letter to Your Future Self

An inspiration task for the weekend.

A few years ago, I went through a business consultation process, and one of the consultants sent me home with a task: to write a letter to my future self, to be opened in three years. At first, I felt a bit silly with this task, as I've never been comfortable with these types of projects, but I decided to go with the flow, take 15 seconds, and write a letter to myself.

The consultant recommended a free tool called FutureMe (link provided below) where you can write the letter, and it will be sent to your email at the chosen time.

This week, I received the email with the first letter I wrote to my future self, and while I won't share the specific details of the letter (even though I started off skeptical – it turned out quite lengthy...), I can tell you that not only did the letter boost my motivation significantly for at least a few months (until Christmas), but also about 90% of the things I wrote there that I wished for myself to achieve during these days actually came true.

Right after writing that letter in the summer of 2018, I realized that the act of writing the letter is a kind of self-reflection and a genuine declaration of intentions that has become a guiding light for me to this day.

That's why I established an annual tradition for myself. Every year, on December 31st, I write a letter to myself for the following year, stating where I want to be.

The letter that arrived this week just proved to me how important it is to set clear intentions and how it affects the way we act and the goals we set for ourselves.

So, take 15 seconds this weekend and write a letter to your future self, to be read in a year or three. You'll be surprised at how it can influence your actions from here on out.

Here's the link to FutureMe:

Good luck!


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