Here's a clever trick to boost Amazon advertising by identifying highly specific keywords that can generate cost-effective sales.
The idea is to create a new campaign with 1-4 keywords at most, each consisting of just one word. For example, if you're selling products related to the kitchen and cooking, you would set up a campaign with the following broad keywords:
Each keyword is bid at a maximum of $0.20 per click, and the daily advertising budget for this campaign will be $500.
What are we actually doing here? We are telling Amazon to go out and find us good, low-cost, high-impact keywords that won't cost more than 20 cents per click at most.
For the sake of this experiment, you're willing to spend $500 per day.
The advertising engine will position your product with highly specific, cost-effective keywords that very few advertisers are using, and it will try to maximize your expenditure.
In practice, this campaign will spend $4 a day at most and generate 1-2 sales.
In the next step, take the keywords that generated sales and add them to your regular campaigns to maximize exposure and sales there.
Good luck!
